Bridge The Gap Donation - $150 - Tax ID 77-0477578

Your Price: $150
Part Number: BTG-D150-Tax ID 77-0477578

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The Bridge-the-Gap Campaign is a principal discretionary fund that enables the principal and staff to provide the best possible educational experience for the students at Union Middle School. Many of our teacher opportunities (such as conferences and teacher recognition events) and student opportunities (student clubs and student recognition events) are funded through your donations to Bridge-the-Gap. The UMS Bridge-the-Gap Campaign also supports existing programs that may have been drastically cut or risk cancellation. Your additional donation to the Bridge-the-Gap Campaign is greatly appreciated and will be directed toward supporting all of these programs as it helps to ensure that all of our students continue to receive a first class, best in the Bay Area, middle school experience. Thank you, in advance, for your contribution to the Bridge-the-Gap Campaign. 

Tax ID# is 77-0477578
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